A forum user asked if it was possible to use their own custom icon for desktops in StoreFront. While the icons are displayed within StoreFront, the actual icon management is done on a Delivery Controller.
Get-BrokerIcon | Select Uid | ft –auto
Load the icon with the following command:
Get-CtxIcon -FileName c:\icons\custom.ico | New-BrokerIcon
If you re-issue the Get-BrokerIcon command above, you should see the new ID (#13).
We now need to assign the icon to one or more delivery groups. Let's see what icons are currently assigned to the delivery groups:
Get-BrokerDesktopGroup | Select name, IconUid
Unless you've already made changes, most delivery groups will probably be using icon #1. To change the icon for a specific delivery group, issue the following command:
Set-BrokerDesktopGroup -name “Remote PCs” -IconUid 13 (the new icon added above)
Sam Jacobs is the Director of Technology at Newtek Technology Solutions (formerly IPM, the longest standing Citrix Platinum Partner on the East Coast). With more than 40 years of IT consulting, Sam is a Citrix NetScaler, StoreFront, and Web Interface customization and integration expert. He holds Microsoft Azure Developer and Citrix CCP-N certifications, and was a frequent contributor to the CUGC CTP blog. He has presented advanced breakout sessions at Citrix Synergy for 6 years on ADC (NetScaler) and StoreFront customizations and integration. He is one of the top Citrix Support Forum contributors, and has earned industry praise for the tools he has developed to make NetScaler, StoreFront, and Web Interface easier to manage for administrators and more intuitive for end users. Sam became a Citrix Technology Professional (CTP) in 2015, and can be reached at sjacobsCTP@gmail.com.
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