Sunday, October 13, 2024

Citrix Workspace App for Windows 2409 Preview

It's here! Citrix Workspace App for Windows 2409 Preview has arrived, and it has loads of new features! Just a few of the many added features are:

A better user experience when launching applications,

Smoother resizing, 

Customization of the Desktop Viewer toolbar, and

Remembering USB connections.

But my absolute favorite enhancement is the Connectivity Strength Indicator (CSI). It gives the user clear insights and actionable advice straight from the Citrix Workspace app. If a call to Citrix Support is warranted, the CSI saves time by providing key metrics that can be relayed to the tech support rep.

In January of last year, I released a 3-part blog post series on setting user expectations by adding a QoS (Quality of Service) indicator to the NetScaler:

Setting User Expectations - Part 1

Setting User Expectations - Part 2

Setting User Expectations - Part 3

The advantage to placing the QoS indicator on the NetScaler logon page is that the user is informed of a degraded connection even before logging onto the gateway, while the CSI doesn't come into play until after a Citrix session is started.

However, the CSI gives the user way more information as well as suggestions for the user to try before calling for support.


Of course, another advantage is that the CSI does not require any changes to NetScaler or StoreFront source code and is therefore fully supported by Citrix Support. 😀

Sam Jacobs was the Director of Technology at Newtek Technology Solutions (formerly IPM, the longest standing Citrix Platinum Partner on the East Coast). With more than 40 years of IT consulting, Sam is a Citrix NetScaler, StoreFront, and Web Interface customization and integration expert. He holds Microsoft Azure Developer and Citrix CCP-N certifications, and was a frequent contributor to the CUGC CTP blog. He has presented advanced breakout sessions at Citrix Synergy for 6 years on ADC (NetScaler) and StoreFront customizations and integration. He is one of the top Citrix Support Forum contributors, and has earned industry praise for the tools he has developed to make NetScaler, StoreFront, and Web Interface easier to manage for administrators and more intuitive for end users. Sam became a Citrix Technology Professional (CTP) in 2015, and can be reached at